At Siesta Key Root Canal Specialists we pride ourselves on the pain-free root canal therapy that we are able to provide. A part of our ability to offer such a gentle root canal is with the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Here’s some information about how CBCT is so effective as a diagnostic tool and how it can help with your overall treatment.


What Cone Beam Computed Tomography Is

Cone beam computed technology, also known as CBCT, C-arm CT, flat-panel CT, and cone beam volume CT, uses divergent x-rays to form a cone for a different kind of medical imaging technique than what can be achieved with x-rays alone.

To get a complete CBCT image, the machine’s scanner will take up to 600 distinct images while rotating around your head. Then using special software, a 3D image is created that provides an extremely detailed and accurate look at teeth, bone, sinuses, and surrounding facial structures.

CBCT Image

The precursor to CBCT, the dental CT scan, was created in the 1970s. This used a fan-shaped x-ray beam but required the patient to move towards the beam. It also had the downside of exposing the patient to more radiation. The new CBCT technology was created in the 1990s, and not only allows you to stay still while we take comprehensive images of the tooth and jaw area, but it also reduces radiation exposure a great deal. The results that CBCT provides are achieved by using light intensifier technology. It is by using a cone-shaped area detector that we are able to take the images while you remain still.


How CBCT is Different from X-rays

There are several key differences between CBCT and x-rays. One is that a CBCT is capable of showing soft tissue, in addition to bone, in the same image. Also, it shows both in greater detail than x-rays are able to provide of just bone. Finally, a CBCT, as opposed to x-rays, only leaves the most minimal amount of radiation behind.


How CBCT Is Used in Endodontics

One of the largest advantages of the use of CBCT in endodontics is that it provides a 3D image. In certain instances, this greatly increases the ability to evaluate, diagnose, treat, and care for the patient. In some ways, a CBCT is the equivalent of a medical CT scan. For example, it can make it possible to spot cracks, unusual anatomy, and atypical diseases that may be inside or around a patient’s tooth. However, it is more advanced than the traditional CT scan in that it provides the 3D images in much greater detail with just a single rotation around the patient’s head.


How CBCT Informs Dr. Webb’s Treatment

The advanced technology of CBCT can provide a great deal of information which allows Dr. Webb to offer the best diagnosis and treatment. A CBCT can provide the following:

  • Earliest detection of serious disease by finding lesions
  • Accurate measurements of the shape and dimension of the jaw
  • Evaluation of sinuses, the nerve canal, and nasal cavity
  • Identification of exactly where a tooth’s infection is
  • A view of any problem area in much finer detail
  • Determining the number of roots and canals in a tooth, minimizing the issue of having undetected and untreated canal space
  • Help with the navigation of the canals while operating the microscope during treatment


At Siesta Key Root Canal Specialists we always use the most advanced technology available. You can read more about the latest advances that we employ here. Whether you are a first-time patient or are returning to schedule an appointment, we are always here to provide the most innovative treatment.